Quizzes, exams, assessments, or knowledge checks ucdm whatever you choose to call them – are an essential part of nearly any eLearning course. Why? Quizzes help you to keep track of your learners’ knowledge and guarantee that you meet your training’s learning objectives. They’re also a fun and interactive method to break up the content in your training modules and provide a natural breakpoint between important subjects that helps learners feel like they’re progressing through the course.
Videos Video content is now viral, and for a good reason: it’s always more interesting than just text or photographs. You can incorporate video content in your eLearning in a variety of ways: Videos that can be used in silos: You can only use video as a form of content. You could, for example, make a series of films on a soft skill like conversations during a meeting.
Embedded videos: In your eLearning course, you can include videos. The video could feature original content, public domain footage, or stock footage. This methodology has the advantage of allowing you to use video for specific sections while also incorporating more interactive aspects within the course.
Learner apathy or lack of involvement can disadvantage traditional training films, especially in lengthier formats. This is where interactive videos come in handy. We can now deliver video interactions such as hotspots and quizzes thanks to advances in technology. This is the perfect choice when you want to provide consumers the ability to interact with the video’s content by allowing them to click, drag, scroll, hover, gesture, and perform other digital actions.
Samsung designed an interactive film that takes users through the camera’s various capabilities and navigation buttons. An interactive menu allows viewers to select whatever topics they wish to learn more about and instruct them on how.
Virtual and augmented reality are two new and successful techniques to give students real-world experience. Virtual reality is ideal for learning both human relationships and practical skills in real-world circumstances. Simulations allow you to practice reenacting real-life incidents and choose the best course of action.
As instructional designers or training developers, you strive to create corporate learning solutions that will assist your learners to improve their knowledge using the most effective approaches. It is critical to provide content that is simple for the learner to comprehend and remember. We hope that our blog has offered some valuable insights on how to develop your eLearning content.