Choosing a college is one of the most the christ choices a person makes in life. Underlying that statement is my belief that a college environment can have a profound influence that lasts a lifetime.
The intention of this article is to offer what I hope will provide a fresh perspective regarding the choice between a Christian college and a secular college.
I’m confident that important characteristics such as academic excellence, internships, school size, location, career opportunities, quality of faculty, variety of programs, extra-curricular activities, etc. can be found at both secular and Christian schools across the country. With that being said, why then should one consider enrolling at a Christian college?
According to the US Department of Education, one group of Christian colleges, CCCU schools, grew over 70% from 1990 to 2004. During that same period of time, all independent four year schools grew 28%, while public four year institutions grew only about 13%. These statistics reveal that there must be something “different” about Christian colleges. I believe this difference can be primarily attributed to the environment, and it is this difference that provides the most compelling reason to enroll at a Christian college.
If you’ve been following higher education in the media over the past couple of years, you’ve likely heard some alarming news from both state and private secular institutions. I believe most people would agree that institutions of higher education in the US have promoted themselves as places of respect, tolerance and diversity. The irony is that there seems to be an ever growing intolerance for diversity in regards to issues of faith, values and even politics in higher education.
Consider the following statement:
At secular schools across the country, people of faith are often not respected and even ridiculed for their beliefs. You may be surprised to learn that I generally don’t believe this statement to be true, nor do I believe this attitude would be allowed at secular schools in this country. However, adding a single word to this statement dramatically changes both the meaning and the accuracy of the statement:
At secular schools across the country, people of Christian faith are often not respected and even ridiculed for their beliefs. If you disagree with this statement, I challenge you to ask a few committed Christians attending secular schools how their professors and classmates view their faith.
While there likely are exceptions to this rule, if you’re considering the difference between a secular and Christian school, the intolerance toward Christian values on secular campuses is an essential issue to consider.
Most fair minded people would agree that the environment where one lives has an affect on that individual. In 1994 a study was conducted that showed that approximately 52% of students who attended public institutions either no longer called themselves “born again” or had not attended a religious service of any kind in over a year. This study was done over ten years ago. One wonders what this figure would look like today.
A traditional college age student begins their collegiate career at about 18 years old. For a student from a Christian home, there are two sets of beliefs that the student likely takes with them that are particularly pertinent:
The student’s Christian faith/values Respect for those in authority While it may be argued that secular schools challenge these beliefs overtly, the greater challenge for the Christian student may be the unexpected collision of these two principles.