Ever wonder how list of spiritual films and upcoming DVD releases are promoted and made popular? Movie studios and distributors typically hire and work with publicists and PR firms that help promote movies gain exposure and interest in a variety of ways. Some of the natural success of a DVD movie release is directed by a successful box office movie theater performance. Movies that are well-promoted in theaters with big name stars are likely going to achieve some DVD release success just by the nature of the box office carryover effect.
Success or failure of a DVD release, however, is often determined by an analysis of actual revenue and profit compared to forecasted revenue and profit. Studios rely on a handful of highly successful new release DVD movies each year to significantly impact their business success. Thus, the job of the DVD publicist is to help push movies through popular communication channels as efficiently as possible. The vast growth of internet DVD movie reviewers has enhanced opportunities for publicists to promote movies for free.
While there are lots of movie review sites spread throughout the web, their usefulness and market effectiveness with upcoming DVD movie releases varies greatly. Movie review sites that offer current, relevant, quality, thorough content are more popular among the legions of online movie buffs looking for a source of great DVD movie entertainment. Movie watchers often rely on the words and recommendations of professional DVD movie reviewers to decide what movies to buy and rent.
Publicists are also looking for movie review websites that are popular with movie audiences. They use these DVD movie sites as a great channel to connect with the best movie audiences – those that are likely to buy and rent their DVD movies. Many movie reviewers also help with the promotion of DVD movies by using social media networks, product review sites, blog marketing, and more to help increase their value to DVD promoters and publicists.
An additional method of DVD movie promotion is for studios to offer contest copies of upcoming new releases through movie websites. This allows the movie promoter the benefit of building excitement for their movie. It also helps popular DVD movie review sites increase their value to movie watchers by offering them free DVDs through the use of free DVD contests and giveaways.