How to Get a Loan Modification, Never Pay Up Front

There have been countless changes in the modification industry since in began en force circa 2007. Most importantly was the systematic weeding out of fraudulent service providers who set up shop to take advantage of distressed homeowners by charging a fee up front an never doing any work. I’ll say this now and repeat it again as it’s the single most important bit of information you should know when seeking a loan modification: NEVER PAY UP FRONT FOR A LOAN MODIFICATION!

Who can negotiate a loan modification?

  • You – that’s right. Although it can be to your benefit to have a professional help you through the process, there is nothing preventing you from attempting a loan modification on your own.
  • Foreclosure Consultant – These individuals are typically non licensed professionals and can either be for profit or non-profit companies. After July 1, 2009 in the state of California, all foreclosure consultants must be registered with the Attorney General’s office and post a bond in the amount of $100,000 (California Civil Code section 2945.45).
  • Attorney – Any attorney licensed in the state where your pending foreclosure is located. You can find all registered attorney’s by searching
  • Real Estate Broker or Agent – The most common source for advice and help negotiating a loan modification or short sale. Although not all real estate agents have the experience to qualify as experts in the field, they are allowed to help if they hold a current real estate license. You may find out if your agent or broker is licensed at the California Department of Real Estate website

Protect yourself from loan modification scams. How to spot foreclosure fraud.

In case you didn’t catch this in the first paragraph, NEVER PAY UP FRONT FOR A LOAN MODIFICATION! In California this practice is illegal. It’s also important to remember that if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Just like a stated income loan with a “starting” interest rate that is unexpectedly low, a loan mod with terms that don’t pass the sniff test are also unlikely to prove true.

I’ve listed below some of the more common loan modification scams for you to review and catalog:

  • I’ll again start with the loan modification counselor who asks you to pay a fee BEFORE you’ve successfully obtained a PERMANENT loan modification. I’ll say it again, NEVER PAY UP FRONT FOR A LOAN MODIFICATION!
  • The foreclosure consultant who tells you to make your monthly payments to him/her rather than your bank during the loan modification process. This should never happen.
  • The consultant who poses as a government affiliated entity. Often using names that sound like they are government related and asking you to pay them up front to qualify for one of the special government related programs like HAMP or HAFA. These groups will suggest that their company is directly linked to the program and they charge you to confirm you are eligible. Your lender will tell you if you are eligible for HAMP free of charge. You may also see the HAMP waterfall below.
  • Bait and switch “rescue loans.” It is imperative that everyone read and fully understand what they are signing. Bait and switch rescue loans will ask the homeowner to sign over title to their house to a third party in exchange for a new modified loan with a lower loan balance. Again, if it sounds too good to be true…
  • Rent to Own and leaseback schemes. Be aware of who you are dealing with and take care not sign over title to persons or companies who ask you to sign over title promising to sell the property back to you once the process is complete. These schemes may also include asking the homeowner to move out during the process, allowing the “consultant” to collect rent until the house ultimately goes to foreclosure sale. In this case the consultant never completes the modification, rather, they just postpone the foreclosure allowing them to collect rent for a longer period.
  • A late add to this list, from the CA Attorney General press release, beware of forensic loan audits. In this scenario the consulting company uses the forensic loan audit as a means of getting the homeowner to pay up front for the tools needed to complete their modification; in this case a forensic loan audit. Once the fee is paid, no work is done and the loan modification never happens.

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