Steroids have been popular for many years, evolving from a habit that was once confined to sports and professional bodybuilding to a common high school recreational activity used to enhance speed, strength, and muscle size beyond natural levels. As with any drug that offers external results, since the enhancements are visibly apparent, those using steroids for sale or growth hormone are easily convinced that they are healthier than before, yet temporary positive appearance improvements are not always synonymous with what occurs on a cellular level.
In addition to sports enthusiasts who wish to enhance performance, many thin bodybuilders are in search of the quickest method to enhance muscle gain, and when they see professional bodybuilders using large quantities of illegal drugs to produce 100+ pounds of additional lean body size, they feel as if this must be the path to achieve what they define as success. Yet, what many forget is that bodybuilding, a lifestyle that has constantly associated itself with healthy living, becomes a risky, potentially life threatening path when steroids or growth hormone become acceptable options.
There are two distinct groups that seem to have misconceptions of what can and cannot be achieved naturally; one extreme believes that the hugely muscled bodies of professional bodybuilding stars on the cover of magazines can be produced without steroid use, or with some legal supplement that works no different than drugs, when in fact this is a completely false notion. To those who follow the bodybuilding industry closely, professional bodybuilders are known for their rampant, rather stunning level of drug abuse, and they would carry significantly less muscle mass if they were training without steroids, even when using every legally available supplement. The other common misconception asserts the opposite, which is that no bodybuilder can gain significant muscle mass without steroid use, which is just as misleading. Although the massive muscles of professional steroid using bodybuilders cannot be replicated without embracing the same risky drugs, extremely impressive improvements in muscle mass and density are possible without ever touching steroids or any other performance enhancing substance.
Both groups must become realistic, but in different ways; those who feel professional bodybuilding results can be achieved without steroids must realize that this is not so, and change their aspirations to match what is both healthy and possible, but they will also benefit from learning the second lesson for the opposing group, which is that by eating and training using specific techniques, dramatic muscle gain is possible, and a total transformation can occur without the use of steroids. The reason many are grasping for answers is that the physical fitness industry is plagued with misconceptions and false promises, therefore steroids enter the picture as the only viable solution to significant physical appearance change, when in fact, most achieve very little muscle gain not due to lack of drugs, but as a direct result of poor diet and training routines. When the variables that control muscle mass (the workout and eating techniques) are rectified, progress should be gratifying and considered impressive for any reasonable individual, and the risks of steroid use are averted in the process.
I started my weight training career at a weight of 130 pounds, and considering my height was above average (6’2″), my thin body was the catalyst behind my own weight training career. Thankfully, by the grace of God I never used steroids, growth hormone, or any other such drug, despite having the same desire to gain muscle mass as any other weight lifter, yet knew that doing so within a natural foundation was the only valid option. I then perfected my weight training and diet plan through many years of experimentation, gaining more than 60 pounds of muscle mass; many of those same individuals who are confused about how to achieve muscle building results accuse me of steroid use, but I can highlight my own success as proof to show that building a massively muscled body is possible naturally, without any chemical crutch. I also realize that by using steroids, I could gain another 50 pounds or more of muscle mass, but does this bother me? No, not in the least, as I feel that protecting my health and well being by remaining natural is far more worthy of celebration than any level of new muscle gain, and I hope every man and woman reading this article modifies their bodybuilding ethics so they can also feel as I do.